martes, 27 de julio de 2010

The Kiss

Hayley got very nervouse after her trance. Hayley wanted to him be his girlfriend. so then Hayley said:
-Yes! I will be your girlfriend
Hayley was happy. still his brother was also doing the same. Mary also answer the same and later both of the girl went and went outside. then they both scream. Both guys inside look them in a weird way. The both girls were hugging and jumping. then they got all ok, like nothing happend and went inside. Both guys seconds before had called a guy who will take them both in a double date (today) to ride a house to see the city. Then Scott and Lucas said:
-Girls, we are taking you to a special place.
They got the girls to this beatiful white carriged. a beatiful white hourse. the man was cool with them and took them to this beatiful romatic place. Scott was nervouse. Later they got down and Scott took Hayley to this beatiful place. An arch of flowers was there. Hayley in her mind said "What is happening!". She wanted to then Scott grab Hayley by the arm and kiss her. Hayley was so magnifice by the way Scott kiss her. While Lucas and Mary did the same. They go to the carrige again and then to the car. They both said Good-bye with a kiss and Lucas in the car with Mary were always kissing. Hayley was jealous because she wanted to have Scott there. They got home and Lucas opened the door. They went and sleep. Hayley woke up earlier that the other days. But then her phone rang. It was an Unknown number. It was .......

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